Planning to Buy an Old Property? Here Are 3 Restoration Mistakes You Need to Avoid

So, you’ve spent months browsing real estate listings and partaking in bidding wars to finally close on a beautiful historical house. And now, you want to make it perfect for 21st-century living.

The idea of restoring old properties is often romanticized, especially in films and television. Reality is a different ball game and not entirely as charming as you might have been led to believe. Unlike modern home renovations, restoring or renovating a historic home involves numerous architectural challenges, including outdated features that can complicate the process and historic elements that need to be preserved. Moreover, it can also cost you a pretty penny. This is why it is so crucial that you get it right the first time. And in order to do that, there are some mistakes you need to avoid. Read on to find what they are.

  1. Ignoring the history of the house

    Researching the history of the house will not only help you make structural and aesthetic decisions more easily but also avoid mistakes that can prove to be costly in the future. It can also be tons of fun. There are a lot of resources that can aid in your research, including old maps that can be found in local libraries, historical societies, as well as the U.S. Geological Survey website. You can also talk to the previous owners or the real estate agent to learn more about the property’s backstory and ownership history.

  2. Attempting DIY improvements

    The internet is chock-full of home improvement tutorials and DIYs, which often prompt homeowners to forgo hiring a professional to make what are seemingly small and easy changes. Unfortunately, mistakes like these can end up costing a lot more than what you save on the contractor’s fee. For instance, if you decide to paint over a color you don’t like, it is important to exercise caution because old paints often contain harmful substances like lead. In addition to painting, plumbing, electrical work, and woodwork, cosmetic improvements like replacing bathroom faucets are also best left to professionals.

  3. Choosing to replace instead of restore

    It is important to keep in mind that a majority of the features in old homes were custom-made to match the structure. It may be difficult to find mass-produced replacements that will be as effective and functional. Worse yet, the newer alternatives might also lack quality and durability. This is why you should strive to restore as much of the old parts as possible, whether they are light fixtures or wallpapers, even if they aren’t in perfect condition.

If you are planning for a home restoration in Houston, always work with licensed professionals who can provide you with high-quality service at the best prices.

Black and White Construction offers restoration services in Woodlands, TX, as well as other areas. Get in touch with us to hire our restoration contractors.