It is quite surprising to see that a lot of homeowners tend to focus solely on the interior aspect of their residential property. While it is true that you and your loved ones spend most of your time indoors, it is essential to understand that a house is called beautiful only if its interior and exterior both look amazing. You cannot expect visitors to come to your property and say great things about it if its exterior is not up to the mark.

Taking care of your property’s exterior will improve its curb appeal and allow you to spend quality time with your friends and family members in your backyard. Simple things such as repainting your exterior, landscaping the front yard, modifying the roof structure, etc., can significantly improve the look of your property. Below, we have listed some residential exterior redesigns. Let’s take a look at them.

Work With The Garage Door

Property owners with a big garage door at the front can do some simple things to improve its presence and the area surrounding it. We do not want to make its already bold appearance even bolder by doing something wrong. You can try painting it so that it goes well with the area around it. What we mean by this is, if your house has red bricks, do not make the mistake of painting your garage red. Instead, go for something neutral, for example, grey or something that is akin to mortar color. Doing this will help you create an architectural balance. You can also add handles to simple garage doors to add detail and design.

Use Lights

There is something magical about lights. If you add them creatively to your house’s exterior, the whole ambience will improve. Of course, you will only be able to witness the beauty of lights on your property during the night. You can use a variety of light options to enhance the feel of your house. For example, you can install soffit lights to reveal the true architecture of your property, ground lights to bring the trees or high bushes in focus, and porch lights to build a welcoming glow near the front door.

Stretch Your Flower Garden

Many years ago, nurseries tried adding colorful flowers to the front of their buildings. Needless to say, colorful flowers made the area beautiful and brought a smile to the faces of people. But in addition to this, colorful flowers brought forth another key fact. It was discovered that when flowers were extended to the front of a property and the same flowers were planted close to the front door, it made the property look bigger. We don’t know why this happens but it does happen and you should try it too.

While you can surely try the above-mentioned exterior designs to beautify your residential property, we will advise you to get in touch with Black and White Construction for a proper exterior makeup. We are known for our amazing exterior designing services. We can bring your design ideas into fruition or suggest our own ideas after inspecting your property. Feel free to get in touch with us at (832) 764 1049 to know more about our services.